What sort of Videos should I produce to Market my Business online so I can get more leads and turn them into customers. What video should I be producing for my existing customers? (Yes, its even worth creating video content with existing customers in mind.)
In this article we aim to answer some of the questions we frequently get asked by our clients. Lets start off by having a look at some super high-engaging video content that we ran:
Get your Video Tips Series here.
But why, “this is A VERY LONG VIDEO” I hear you yell through your laptop screen this Saturday morning… well the truth is, many business owners and marketers will tell you that there is an "ideal length" for video content. But without targeting video at a specific area of the Marketing Battlefield, its impossible to say. Sadly, this is the downfall of many businesses...
Types of Online Video for Digital Marketing
Lets talk about some types of videos you may want to produce for your business;
- Product Explainer or Demonstration Videos
- Infotainment, Educational or How-To Videos
- Explainer Videos
- Expert Interviews
- Testimonial Videos or Case Studies
- Event Videos
- Brand Videos
In the case of Product Explainer Videos you will want to show how your product works. This may mean taking viewers on a tour, seeing the product in use or physically testing the product to its limits. Consider this incredibly successful campaign by William Painter. Notice how they combine several video types into one "Live Action" style execution.
Did you notice how many different video types were combined there? Also did you notice their use of humour and presenter charisma to keep the engagement and interest. They could have had an extremely techie video with lots of graphs and metal durability and stress tests, (and taken themselves much more seriously,) but sometimes just showing the product in action is far more succinct and impactful.
Online Video Styles for Digital Marketing Campaigns
Now lets talk about some video styles;
- 2D Impact Animated Video
- Animated Characterful Videos
- 3D Visualisation Videos
- Live Action Straight To Camera Videos
- Live Action Whiteboard Videos
- Animated Whiteboard Videos
- Live Action Interview or TV Show Style Videos
A lot of Marketers talk about Types of Online Video and Online Video Styles interchangeably, but in truth there SHOULD be a hard line drawn in the sand here. When you are deciding what type of video to produce, you are deciding WHAT the message should be. If you are showing someone how to use your product then a Product Explainer video would be the obvious choice. However, whether that video should be animated in simplistic 2D in the "impact" video style or live action will depend on the product. Both styles may need to be tested.
Your product may be a Nitrogen generator unit for laboratories and it might be impractical to show how it is working by simply looking at the physical product. Even if you took the casing off, most of the processing is happening inside closed components to invisible gasses, so you may want to use a 3D visualisation video to show in exaggerated colour what is actually going on. (e.g. Red air flow lines indicating hot air movement, cold airflow indicated in blue.)
If you're looking for a step by step guide to getting up and running with Digital Video Marketing then you're best bet is to grab the Tips series available below. These are the same execution actions we run through with our campaigns and have generated thousands in revenue for our clients.
Be sure to get your copy of this series. At the moment its totally free but we do ask that you leave us some feedback as to how we can improve or any specific areas that you'd like to see us go in depth into. After all we're looking forward to hitting our first milestone of one million in generated revenue for our clients and hope that you can join us in reporting some positive results. Feel free to share the love on Facebook, Insta, Life-Invader, or your choice of social stalking online harassment application ;)
I’m not telling you to agree with me, but if you were to agree with me what would your answer be?
Frank Kern
So how do I put this Content Marketing Stuff to work for my business?
Glad you asked! Because we’ve put THIS content page together with the next logical step in mind, please allow me to guide you ;) We have produced a workflow called Quick Win Content Construction, For a Sales Mechanism that Never Sleeps which contains the quick consice methods, rules and tips you need to know to be able to manifest high quality, effective content for your business and structure it in such a way that the customer is guided from stranger to the sale.
Inside this workflow we will cover;
Marketing Battlefield Recap.
- Difference between First Sights, Marketing Showdown and End Game Content
Customer Target Creation.
- We will ask and give example answers of the brief questions you need to cover to speak directly to your ideal prospect
Prospect Flow
- What brought them here, where do we send them next?
Template Selection
- WHAT type of assets need to go WHERE to make your page / asset effective
- Which Streams, Social Channels or Advertising Services should host what. E.g. FaceBook blog cutdown strategy
By following this no-nonsense waffle-free workflow, you will have the information, and steps you need to create effective content without the fuss. Feel free to refer back to this article to understand the strategy, but when it comes to getting award winning content created quickly by your team, you need a battleplan and the Quick Win Content Construction, For a Sales Mechanism that Never Sleeps workflow is it. Period.